Thursday 6 March 2014

Glow in the dark fun!

Great Idea to keep the kids entertained and can be used as a temporary night light!
Things you will need:
  • Jars
  • Glow in the dark paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Paper
  • Glitter (optional)
  • Glue (optional)

Firstly set out an open area and place all of the equipment in front of you. Next pour out a small amount of the glow in the dark paint onto the paper ( if you are using several colours keep them separate). Dip your paintbrush into the paint and starting from the bottom using a dipping motion start to add small dots around the jar.

Creating small dots around the jar make sure you leave room for other colours (optional). If you are planning on inputting more than one colour make sure you wait until the first set of paint dries as adding extra colour may cause smudging.

Once you have covered the jar and the paint is dry place it in the sunlight for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Whilst your jar is 'charging up' take the lid and cover with one thin layer of glue and add the glitter. 

As soon as the glue has dried tap the lid to remove excess sparkle. 

The next step is to put the lid on the jar and place in a dark room and watch as the glowing paint created a firefly effect.

Many people use glow in the glow stick fluid however this is a temporary solution. Using glow in the dark paint will last forever

Are you looking for cheaper alternatives for daytime activities with the kids? Make sure you follow Precious Poppets on Pinterest today! Fun activities, children/ Babies fashion, nursery décor and plenty more.

Are you on Facebook and Twitter? Like and follow our pages today for exciting updates on our clothing and accessories range. 

Friday 31 January 2014

Smoking ban for drivers with children


2014 Ban on smoking in cars with children

Did you know that second hand smoke can cause long term health risks 
A recent study has shown that households with smokers double the risk of infants having a lower 
 Passive smoking has a;so been known to increase chances of your child wheezing,10% show signs of asthma
, 11% respiratory infection and a shocking 22% of meningitis.
Smoking in cars increase these chances
Did you know that if you smoke 1 cigarette it puts the car air quality to an unhealthy state, it also
emits 50 times more polluted particles into the air than the exhaust in the same period of time. 
Yearly Figures 
Medical research has shown that second had smoke is responsible for a  shocking  9,500 hospital referrals, 300,000 GP appointments and a spine chilling total of 40 infants sudden deaths.
88% of people in Northern Ireland support the ban of smoking in cars with children.
Please remember that your child does not have the choice to travel in a car with smoke polluted air, you  are the only person that can make that choice.
There are hundreds of children out there who have no choice but to sit in these toxic environments every day. 

Friday 20 December 2013

Spread the cost of Christmas with Precious Poppets

How to spread the cost over the Christmas period.

Everyone knows that December can be a bad month for the bank balance and Precious Poppets are here to help you with a discounted way of shopping online.

Precious Poppets in Doncaster  provide a range of young children's clothing, toys and activities.

As we all know buying Gifts can be a pain, the questions: what can I get them?  How much do I spend? and is it enough?

Most of the time we can buy a gift for someone inside their price range and ask our selves is it enough?
These past few years clothing, toys and any other gifts have developed to become up to date with technology and fashion however this usually comes with a price.

We will give you some examples of ways to fill under the Christmas tree without breaking the bank balance.

0 Months - 3 Months

Cute 6 piece baby unisex bear gift set by Nursery Time £16.20

This 6 piece set is perfect for any young child and can be given by anyone, a friend, family, parent or guardian.

3 Months - 6 Months

Available for £30 this musical baby gym by First steps will be perfect to keep the babies entertained.  The colours can keep them interested for hours plus the item itself can be used as a main present.

6 Months - 9 Months 

Fabulous colourful toy to keep your little ones entertained sat in their high-chair perfect for any child to keep them from trying to escape their meals. £7.20 

9 Months - 12 months 

This colourful toy aids colour recognition, counting and hand-eye coordination.


12 months +
 electronic 'My First Computer' with lights and sound £11.99

We have a wide range of Baby - toddler presents available on our online store, take a look by pressing here. 

Why not take a look at our website to find out whats in stock?

Delivery takes up to 3 days of clear payment. Why not add us on Facebook to receive free updated information on our stock located on our page.

You can also find us on Twitter and Youtube.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas Awareness

Did you know that real Christmas treat can trigger allergies or asthma? Your baby may react to the  mould spores that Christmas trees filter into the air and the pollen.

Ways to reduce reactions:

  • Only bring the tree in when necessary ie  leave it outside until Christmas eve or even better Christmas day. 
  • Make sure you spray the tree down and wait for it to dry before bringing it into the home.
  • Cleanse the tree and stand.
  • Change the trees water every 3 - 4 days.

Being a parent and experiencing a reaction from a certain type of tree may be beneficial to choose a different type, you may find that you feel some sort of irritation from a tree inside when you have never experienced any irritation outside, this is because the pollen and mould spores are being released into the air and picked up by the wind and filtered away.

If you like to use other natural decorations, such as boughs or wreaths, make sure that you take the same care with them as you do with your Christmas tree. Mould spores love damp evergreens, so you will need to spray water on anything you bring indoors and shake it dry before hanging it up. 

Artificial trees and decorations are safer all round for babies, toddlers and pregnant women as there is no needles left around the home for the toddles to pick up, there is no pollution of the air and they are light, easier and cleaner for pregnant women.     

Click here to see more of Precious Poppets new stock, we update our Facebook with new clothing as soon as they arrive so make sure you like our page for excellent deals and updates on kids designer clothing.

Follow us on Twitter as we post the latest deals, offers and information. Precious Poppets don't like to clog our social media sites with just stock, we love to supply you with exciting information on free or cheap activities to entertain the kids.

Monday 4 November 2013

Free Fun with the kids

Precious Poppets Kids Clothing 

Here at Precious Poppets we know that may day to day activities with the kids can make a dint in the back pocket, we would like to show you a few activities you can now do with the kids for free just using everyday household objects and making them fun.
We know that the British sun doesn't come around often however wouldn't it be a great idea for the kids to make a outdoor den? All you will need is a clothes line and a old bedding sheet, this will be great for the children to have a summer picnic.
If you already have a clothes line then all you will need to do is throw over the bedding sheet and secure it round the edges with weights, if you haven't got a clothes line a long piece of string or rope would work great, just attach it from end to end of the garden and there you go, a free den for the kids to play in. This could be used as a large group activity such as a BBQ or if your a single parent just wanting to have a fun time with your child.
Another great summer activity would be to to do some family painting, as you can see to the left the Ladybirds would look great for the kids to make the garden more colourful and exiting to be in. For this activity you will need a pencil, red, black and white paint and varied sized rocks.
 Firstly we would recommend to stencil an outline for the ladybug so a face, beetle back line and spots, this will make it a lot easier for the kids as they will have a guide line as to where they can paint.
Secondly get painting, this will be a great idea for a family activity so the kids can watch their parental guardian and you'll be finished with not only a great object but a piece of memorabilia .

Precious Poppets in Stockport  are a small running business in Edgerley selling brand new Designer Children's Clothing at discounted prices. We hope you liked our ideas on our free/ Cheap activities with the kids.
Our clothing ranges from 0-3 months to teenage wear both boys and girls fashion, with different designer, styles and sizes.

We have recently produced a new Website, why not take a look see whats in stock?

You can also find us on  Twitter

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Precious Poppets New Stock

Are you keeping up to date with Precious Poppets new stock?

We are currently updating our website on a daily basis with new toys, clothing, nursery decorations, accessories and nightwear.  Some of these consist of new baby changing mats, bath toys, comforters, gifts, blankets and baskets. 

Is one of your family members of friends expecting? Fancy a bit of DIY? Take a look at our make your own personalised gift baskets here:

Precious Poppets are providing you with brand new updated children's clothing on a daily basis which are well known designer brands with discounted prices.

Dont forget to stock up for Christmas- take a look at our new boy and girls toys and comforters providing them with state of the art fun learning devices.

Have you got Tumblr, G+ or Pinterest.

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Thursday 3 October 2013

Decorating the kids Bedrooms

Precious Poppets would like to inspire you with children's fantasy bedrooms. Imagine stepping into a 5 year old child's world, look thought their eyes, imagine what they would see.
We will also provide more simple bedroom ideas for those of you who are a little less creative.

Precious Poppets pride themselves on not only being a provider of designer children's clothing but inspirational guiders for caring parents and guardians. In this blog were just going to run through some great experimental ideas for decorating the kids bedrooms, we are going to run through boys and girls nursery's, toddlers rooms, children's and teenager just to make sure we don't miss anyone out.

The first rooms we are going to look at are the boys and girls nurseries
Take a look at this beautifully decorated, elegant yet simple nursery for a little girl. The bright pink settled down by the silver walls and white fixtures. This is prefect for the typical 'girlie girl'

The design is so simple it could be a case of re wallpapering and a coat of paint.

There is one thing we would change about this and that would be to add a chair, as you know babies wake up at all times of the night. Keeping the baby in its bedroom surroundings will help it build up a routine.

Here at Precious Poppets we love this design for a baby boys room, not only is it a beautiful shade of aqua blue running through the furnishings but it is also  minimal  in furniture and toys.

Keeping plenty of storage in is very important, as the boy grows up there will be plenty of toys to pack away.
Another great idea would be to decorate the ceiling with stencils or stickers. Click here for more ideas.

For more Babies Bedrooms/ Nursery Ideas Click Here.

If you would like to see more inspirational Childrens Bedrooms, Nurserys and Teenage Bedrooms take a look at our Pinterest.
Toddlers Room Ideas Click Here
Teenage Room Ideas Click Here 

Follow our board for updated inspirational Kids Activities, Free Fun, Decor and last but certainly not least our Children's Fashionable Clothing that we sell in Stockport.

Here are just a few of the other decor ideas that are found on our Pinterest.

Please take a look at our Website for top notch Children's Clothing.