Thursday 6 March 2014

Glow in the dark fun!

Great Idea to keep the kids entertained and can be used as a temporary night light!
Things you will need:
  • Jars
  • Glow in the dark paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Paper
  • Glitter (optional)
  • Glue (optional)

Firstly set out an open area and place all of the equipment in front of you. Next pour out a small amount of the glow in the dark paint onto the paper ( if you are using several colours keep them separate). Dip your paintbrush into the paint and starting from the bottom using a dipping motion start to add small dots around the jar.

Creating small dots around the jar make sure you leave room for other colours (optional). If you are planning on inputting more than one colour make sure you wait until the first set of paint dries as adding extra colour may cause smudging.

Once you have covered the jar and the paint is dry place it in the sunlight for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Whilst your jar is 'charging up' take the lid and cover with one thin layer of glue and add the glitter. 

As soon as the glue has dried tap the lid to remove excess sparkle. 

The next step is to put the lid on the jar and place in a dark room and watch as the glowing paint created a firefly effect.

Many people use glow in the glow stick fluid however this is a temporary solution. Using glow in the dark paint will last forever

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Friday 31 January 2014

Smoking ban for drivers with children


2014 Ban on smoking in cars with children

Did you know that second hand smoke can cause long term health risks 
A recent study has shown that households with smokers double the risk of infants having a lower 
 Passive smoking has a;so been known to increase chances of your child wheezing,10% show signs of asthma
, 11% respiratory infection and a shocking 22% of meningitis.
Smoking in cars increase these chances
Did you know that if you smoke 1 cigarette it puts the car air quality to an unhealthy state, it also
emits 50 times more polluted particles into the air than the exhaust in the same period of time. 
Yearly Figures 
Medical research has shown that second had smoke is responsible for a  shocking  9,500 hospital referrals, 300,000 GP appointments and a spine chilling total of 40 infants sudden deaths.
88% of people in Northern Ireland support the ban of smoking in cars with children.
Please remember that your child does not have the choice to travel in a car with smoke polluted air, you  are the only person that can make that choice.
There are hundreds of children out there who have no choice but to sit in these toxic environments every day.