Tuesday 9 July 2013

New Mothers and Babies

So the time has come, your beautiful baby is here, do you feel confident about mother hood or completely clueless? No matter how you are feeling Precious Poppets are here to help you through the development of bonding and caring for your child.

Every mother and father have different parenting skills and different opinions on how there child should be risen and Precious Poppets respect all learning techniques and are just setting out a simple guide line.

We would like to inform you that you may be feeling tearful and emotional shortly after giving birth and this is completely normal sign called the 'baby blues'. This effects at least 85% of all new mothers and even some fathers. Although this is distressing and may seem abnormal however it is considered a completely normal stage of motherhood.

Though the 'baby blues' are completely normal they usually disappear within a few days, if your condition persists and you are feeling low, tearful for no reason, tired, irritable and angry, guilty or hostile or indifferent to your partner or your child then you may need to seek medical help. Postnatal Depression effect a 10% - 15% of all new mothers and usually develops over 6 weeks or can spring upon you quickly.

If you are starting to loose concentration easily, have a reduced appetite,gaining thoughts about death, cannot sleep even when the opportunity rises and lack interest in sex and are having frightening thoughts about harming yourself, partner or baby then please contact this number: 0300 123 3393.

We understand that it can be terrifying to experience thoughts about harming yourself, partner or baby, you may feel like you are going insane, like you cant control your thoughts or think you are a bad parent however never let this stop you from telling someone about how you feel.

It is extremely important to let someone else know how you are feeling as this will also help you realise that having these thoughts does not make you a bad parent or that your are actually going to harm anyone but it is a almost common type of depression that plenty of women are going through. Telling a health professional, family member or a friend can dramatically help the heeling process and put you on the right track to beating PND.

If you think you may be suffering from PND or know someone who is please take a look here:http://www.mind.org.uk/mental_health_a-z/8007_postnatal_depression

Or call their helpline to gain more information: 0300 123 3393

Precious Poppets caring for our customers.

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